Media Law & Literacy Presentation Reflection
I also found Kayla’s presentation on social media very interesting, specifically the positive and negative effects. Kayla had mentioned some of the extremely prevalent negative symptoms of the overuse of social media which included depression and anxiety. With these impacts becoming more and more prominent in our society, I have never thought much deeper than just the understanding that social media and phone overuse causes symptoms of mental health disorders. But, Kayla had mentioned that the overuse of social media also can cause memory loss in teenagers. Because I had never thought or really cared to dive deeper, this caught me by surprise. After class, I researched this concept more and found a study that was conducted by the Penn Foundation, which concluded that social media use, which was measured over the course of eight days, is associated with greater negative affect in cognitive performance and memory failures within individuals, as social media requires significantly less working memory functions, leading to issues with short term memory and long term memory. I found this very interesting and I am happy I got to learn about the differences in technological advancements, from carrier pigeons to 3D printing to social media.
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