Tuesday, February 18, 2025

blog post #9: autonomous vehicles

 Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous vehicles (AVs), which is just a fancy name for types of self-driving transportations, is a vehicle that can operate and drive with little to no human manual input. The vehicles use technology to perceive their surrounding environment, to navigate, and to respond to ongoing traffic. The first ever self driving car was developed by Carnegie Mellon University in 1986. It was a van, specifically a Navlab 1. The overall idea of its purpose was aimed to allow traffic on public roads and highways more comfortable and safer to drive. 

Since the development of the first self driving car, there have been major developments in the manufacturing of the AVs, and now companies such as Rivian, Zoox, GM, Waymo, and most popularly, Tesla, have begun to market them. With AI rapidly growing, as a result, self driving cars are becoming more of a consideration in industries, and individuals or families. 

* Quick Fun Fact: In 2020, Waymo started to offer autonomous vehicle transportation - similar to Uber, just no human driver! Waymo operates in Arizona, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Texas!* 

Autonomous Vehicles: Does The Good Outweigh The Bad?

There are many advantages to the development and uprising of autonomous vehicles, such as accessibility. Those who may have to currently rely on others for mobility, they will now have the opportunity to participate in driving in a self determined manner, as they please. For those who already own self driving cars and are unable to drive due to a disability, old age, or another factor, self driving cars would make it possible for them to participate in personal or employment activities. Another advantage of self driving cars: some people believe that they can improve the overall safety of the road. This would help reduce and prevent impaired driving, drowsy driving, etc. 

As there are many advantages to the popularity and manufacturing of self driving cars, there are more disadvantages. Just like any piece of technology, especially rapid advancing technology, there is always a high chance of malfunction and technical development issues. A single error in a self driving car’s software can significantly and negatively affect traffic accidents, and owners. With an autonomous vehicle, the system must be highly sophisticated, otherwise it would not be reliable. Also, human drivers are able to provide and interpret nonverbal cues such as hand signals from other cars or pedestrians that a self driving car may not be fully able to pick up on. 

*Below is a picture of the aftermath of a fatal car accident on October 6, 2023, where the Tesla Model 3 autopilot failed to recognize a semi truck in the middle of the road. The Tesla went under the truck, shedding the roof of the car, and unfortunately killing Jeremy Banner*

According to Statista, a study conducted by Morning Consult in January and March found that people are becoming increasingly more worried and distrusting with autonomous driving. The study was based on two polls with about 2,000 US adults. From January 11-16, 36% of individuals found autonomous driving less safe than manual driving systems, and by March 29-April 1, the percentage increased by 14%. Also, with weather and constant environmental changes and challenges, autonomous driving would struggle more - or if not, the same amount - as manually driving car systems. With only sensors being responsible for decision making about fog, snow, or rain, it is hard to tell. Also, if autonomous vehicles were to take over human driving cars, it would displace hundreds of jobs in industries such as trucking companies, taxi services, and delivery services. With it being so accessible and accommodating, more people would use them therefore creating an increase of energy use, worsen air pollution, and other negative environmental effects. 

The future of autonomous vehicles is rapidly approaching. Artificial Intelligence is also expected to make self-driving cars later, more efficient, and much more widely available in the future. AI powered self driving cars can reduce human caused accidents such as distracted driving, tired driving, or impaired driving and even speeding. AI can help the vehicle detect and respond to potential dangers, faster than humans may be able to. In conclusion, autonomous vehicles are becoming increasingly more popular with the rapid advancements of AI. Its impact can both positively and negatively affect our society and generation. Which leaves me with one question…

Where do you stand? 


Autonomous driving: Pros & cons. (n.d.). SWARCO. Retrieved February 18, 2025, from https://www.swarco.com/mobility-future/autonomous-driving/autonomous-driving-pros-cons 

Combs, V. (n.d.). ZDNet: How autonomous vehicles will change car ownership – Pecan Street Inc. Retrieved February 18, 2025, from https://www.pecan street.org/2019/11/zdnet-how-autonomous-vehicles-will-change-car-ownership 

Navigating the future of AI in self-driving cars. (2023, November 9). Udacity. https://www.udacity.com/blog/2023/11/ai-in-self-driving-cars.html 

Richter, F. (2018, April 6). Infographic: Fatal accidents damage trust in autonomous driving. Statista. https://www.statista.com/chart/13450/perceived-safety-of-self-driving-cars/ 

Thadani, T. (2023, October 6). Inside the final seconds of a deadly Tesla Autopilot crash. The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/interactive/2023/tesla-autopilot-crash-analysis/ 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Blog Post #5


Protecting Your Digital Footprint - The Elm
     As learned from Christopher Soghoian in his TED Talk linked above, the use of technology before compared to modern days was much easier to be surveillance and protected. With technology advancing faster than it ever has before, it is becoming stronger and more powerful in many different forms. The TED Talks linked above discuss the danger in the new age of technology in regards to our privacy in deeper detail. Catherine Crump in her TED Talk, The Small and Surprisingly Dangerous Detail the Police Track About You, discusses the use of automatic license plate readers (ALPRs) by law enforcement agencies. These devices capture pictures of license plates on every passing vehicle, to identify stolen cars or those who have warrants. But, she highlights the misuse of the collected data and spreads awareness to the public to protect our privacy rights. In Christopher Soghoian’s TED Talk, Your Smartphone Is a Civil Rights Issue, he highlights the significant inconsistencies in smartphone encryption between different devices. He talks about how modern day technology is hard to be surveillance and protected, leaving users vulnerable to a lack of privacy and protection. He takes this discussion into greater detail, explaining that this issue is much broader than a cybersecurity concern, but boards civil right issues. I believe that these videos accurately and unbiasedly provide us information that the government is keeping from us, for their benefit. Privacy should be accessible to all, not just to those who are privileged. I feel as though because smartphones and technology are continuously and rapidly advancing, it is hard for the public to keep up. I also believe that if this was a different privacy issue, such as lack of privacy in medical fields or political fields, the issue would be taken more seriously, and there would be protests to protect. Because this is a cybersecurity issue, many are uneducated about not only the amount of information that is being exposed, but also what and how the information is being exposed- and to who, of course.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Blog Post #4.5

 Media Law & Literacy Presentation Reflection

     For this project, we were assigned to research a technology piece of our choice, and present our findings to the class. I found all of my classmates' presentations very intriguing, especially Kayla’s about the rise of social media, and Antonio’s, about 3D printing. I found it very helpful that both Kayla and Antonio added the positive and negative effects of each of their technologies. I have some background with 3D printing from high school, but have not heard much about it since. I did not know it had advanced significantly to the point where a 3D printed organ can be used in the healthcare system. I also was not aware that it has a positive effect on the environment, economy, and society - I had actually thought the opposite. But, with his presentation, and some extra research after class, I was informed that it lowers energy consumption in products and enables more use of recycled materials; And also, that it can create and promote innovation and provides opportunities for specific and personalized medical devices and prosthetics. 

I also found Kayla’s presentation on social media very interesting, specifically the positive and negative effects. Kayla had mentioned some of the extremely prevalent negative symptoms of the overuse of social media which included depression and anxiety. With these impacts becoming more and more prominent in our society, I have never thought much deeper than just the understanding that social media and phone overuse causes symptoms of mental health disorders. But, Kayla had mentioned that the overuse of social media also can cause memory loss in teenagers. Because I had never thought or really cared to dive deeper, this caught me by surprise. After class, I researched this concept more and found a study that was conducted by the Penn Foundation, which concluded that social media use, which was measured over the course of eight days, is associated with greater negative affect in cognitive performance and memory failures within individuals, as social media requires significantly less working memory functions, leading to issues with short term memory and long term memory. I found this very interesting and I am happy I got to learn about the differences in technological advancements, from carrier pigeons to 3D printing to social media. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Blog Post #4

 The Television

Who & What & When?
THE DAMNED THING WORKS!:” Philo T. Farnsworth & the ...  

Philo Farnsworth was an American inventor who developed the first electronic television system. He was born in Utah in August of 1906 and passed away in March of 1971. In 1922 he started working on the current issue of the time, the mechanical television system, and began working on his creation of an electronic system. By 1928, he was giving demonstrations of his work, the “image dissector,” to different industries such as the Radio Corporation of America and Philadelphia Storage Battery Company, but rejected their offers to begin his own company. Farnsworth Television was licensed with American Telephone & Telegraph (AT&T) in 1937, and together they reorganized the industry to Farnsworth Television and Radio. In 1937, they started the production of radios. As they continued to produce the television, World War II slowed the development process down, and the company went into deep financial trouble. But in 1949, it was taken over by the International Telephone and Telegraph (IT&T) and was reorganized again as Capehart-Farnsworth. Philo Farnsworth was retained as vice president of research and the company produced televisions into 1965 until the RCA took over. 

Why was it made?
Baird and the Farnsworth Image Dissector Mechanical Television - Engineering and ...
     Philo Farnsworth believed a major current problem of his time period was mechanical television systems. During this time period, they used rotating disks to scan images, creating a constant rotation of photographs. These machines produced low resolution image quality and were not reliable for long periods of time. Philo Farnsworth invented the first electronic television that used electron beams, which completely took over mechanical televisions. By 1939 they were completely replaced by electronic systems. Cable television, which was originally known as Community Antenna Television (CATV), was developed in the 1940s in remote or “mountain areas,” including Arkansas, Oregon, and Pennsylvania, to enhance the poor connection of regular television signals. In the late 1950s, cable operators began experimenting with microwaves to bring signals from further cities, which allowed a broader range of channel services and choices. This allowed places like Pennsylvania, which originally had three channels, to have over double the number of channels as cable began to import from independent stations from further cities such as New York and Philadelphia. By 1962, almost 800 cable systems were in use and served 850,000 subscribers. In the 1950s, colour technology was produced in televisions, but did not gain popularity until the 1960s. Following World War II, the National Television System Committee (NTSC) worked to develop an all electronic colour system that would be compatible with black and white television systems, which finally gained approval in 1953. A year later, NBC made the first national color broadcast when it previewed the Tournament of Roses Parade. But still, until 1972, colour television did not gain widespread popularity in the United States. Electronic television systems were developed to overcome the limitations of mechanical televisions, which were unreliable. The advancement of electronic systems paved the way for many future innovations we have today, shaping modern television. 

Impact on the world
Invention and Evolution of Television ...

The first ever electronic television system laid the foundation for modern television by introducing the concept of transmitting moving images to a screen to visually experience news, sports, and entertainment. This changed how information was created, consumed, and shared as a monumental landmark in historical technological advancements and communication. The evolution of television and the advancements in its features, including color television, remote controls, satellite and digital broadcasting, and more, shaped how we watch and consume the media today. The shift to digital broadcasting and smart technology has expanded global connectivity, which makes television more accessible than ever. 

Influence on communication
Bertram L. Podell Extraordinaire Cinema ... Television - Wikipedia Best TV for Sports/Football 2019/2020 ...

The invention of the electronic television revolutionized modern communication by transforming how people receive and share information. Without the inventors of early television, today’s entertainment, live broadcasts, and global media networks would not be available, and maybe not even be possible. The ability the modern day television to broadcast images and videos to a large audience revolutionized how information is shared, which paved the way for mass media and shaped modern day communication. It essentially marked the beginning of a mass communication program. It became an extremely powerful medium for news broadcasting, allowing real-time coverage of global events and shaping public opinion. It also influenced culture and entertainment, by connecting audiences worldwide through shared experiences in sports, music, storytelling, and more, people from around the world can bond. Television influences modern day communication by paving the way for digital communication and advancements, which influenced the development of the Internet, streaming services, and even social media. Today, television continues to impact modern communication by collaborating with other platforms and providing instant access to information. 


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Blog Post #3

Reflection on the 8 Values of Free Expression

Global Freedom of Expression | "Freedom ...Free Speech in the Digital Age ...

    The eight Values of Free Expression emphasize the importance of open communication, accountability, societal progress, and personal development. They discuss how sharing ideas helps people discover truth and encourages innovation. These principles also highlight the essential role of free expression in maintaining a just society. Together, they underscore the connections of free expression with liberty, equity, and progress. Personally, I believe that the value of Individual Self-Fulfillment (Self Actualization) resonates most with me because it emphasizes the personal aspect of free expression. I believe that the ability to express oneself authentically and discover "kindred spirits" is a deeply empowering aspect of free expression. It emphasizes human dignity, and I find it inspiring that free speech allows people to build their identities and communities through shared experiences and ideas. We live in a time where expressing our identities and ideas through art, writing, social media, public speeches, and more is central to who we are. It is crucial for creativity and connections. Although self actualization resonates most with me, I believe the most important value of free expression is one's Participation in Self Government. Society thrives on informed decision making, and free speech ensures that citizens can engage in debates and have access to diverse opinions and perspectives. Without it, governance becomes inauthentic and disconnected from the citizens it serves. This feels especially urgent in a world where misinformation and restrictions on speech threaten electoral integrity and public trust. Protect Dissent feels most personal to me because it emphasizes the importance of minority opinions and standing up against the majority if and when it is necessary. This value upholds the right to speak truth to power, even in the face of widespread opposition. Janet Joyner's legal battle against the Forsyth County Commission's exclusive practices reflects how dissent upholds fairness. Her courage to oppose the status quo resonates with me, as it highlights that speaking out is not just a right, it is often a responsibility. It is our patriotic duty to criticize the government. Even when it feels risky or isolating, this value affirms that standing against popular opinion is essential for progress. We see many of these values in today's world and society, yet the value of Check on Governmental Power (Watchdog Role) is highly visible today, everywhere. From investigative journalism to social media platforms, this value is at the forefront of modern life and society. Citizens and journalists actively use free expression daily, to highlight governmental issues and demand change, demonstrating its relevance and necessity in modern day society. Scandals such as the misuse of power, corruption, or policy failures are all brought to light by the press and citizens. Social platforms are able to amplify movements that challenge governmental decisions, such as protests. We see this value in everyday life when journalists face risks to reveal the truth, citizens use platforms to use their voice and question authority. This role is a reminder that freedom of expression is not just about personal rights, but also a safeguard for people. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Blog Post #2


Based on: Supreme Court Part 1 , Supreme Court Part 2

1. What did you learn about the Supreme Court that you didn't already know?

    I never had very much of an education or understanding of the Supreme Court in the first place, so the majority of the videos were very surprising and intriguing to me. I learned that there is almost or just over 7 thousand new cases every year, yet the Supreme Court only hears about 100-150 of them per year. I also learned that most of the cases the Supreme Court receives are petitions to change a lower court ruling, but the Court accepts very few of them. 

2. What is the most important takeaway point about the Supreme Court?

    The most important takeaway about the Supreme Court is its role as the highest judicial authority in the United States, with the power to interpret the Constitution and resolve issues involving lower courts. Its decisions set legal rules that shape the country's laws, governance, and societal norms. 

3. What was the most surprising thing you learned?

    I was surprised by many different things about the Supreme Court in these YouTube videos. As I said, I have never been fully educated on the American government system, especially the Supreme Court. The first thing that I was surprised by was the fact that there have only been just over a hundred Supreme Court Justices in the entirety of American history. 

4. How did the video change the way you thought of the Supreme Court?

    Because I did not have much of an education or understanding of the Supreme Court, I did not have any preconceived notions about it. I would not say that the videos changed the way I thought of the Supreme Court, but just educated me. I was able to gain a better understanding of the Supreme Court without biases, which I think is very important for the fostering of my ideas and beliefs toward the Supreme Court. I definitely found it more informative than if I were to read an article or book about it. Being able to see real-time and historical videos of the Supreme Court was intriguing and made me want to learn more about it and them. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Blog Post #1




    With TikTok's continually growing popularity and engagement, the app has a wider variety of audiences and creators for many different topics and perspectives. From small businesses to news and sports updates to small academic lessons, TikTok has become just as useful as it is entertaining for many reasons. TikTok has become increasingly more popular since the quarantine of COVID-19, with so many people joining and viewing, it is easy for the word about real-time updates for trending topics and events to spread. Also, with TikTok's limited video time, it is crucial for its users to make their content engaging and attention-grabbing. Many news updates I see on my For You Page are short and relatively engaging enough for me to dive deeper, definitely more than news channels on the TV. Even if the information I receive is not through a real news channel such as CNN or Fox News, it still may be credible. Many influencers and creators present information creatively, using humor, reenactments, and visual effects, allowing me to maintain my engagement. TikTok is also used worldwide, allowing an incredible amount of diverse opinions and perspectives. I know more about the world outside of the United States more than I ever have and I can mostly thank TikTok for that. Although TikTok can be very useful in learning about worldwide current events, it is also easy to fall down a rabbit hole. With TikTok's algorithm personalization, it can curate and feed into biases, based on past data. Which is why it is always important to fact-check. 


Diverse Economics Class in Session | AI ...

    Another big source I get my news on current events and the like is during class time. During class, I feel that I can trust my professor to provide accurate and credible information to our class for class discussions. When receiving new information from a professor, I feel invited and welcome to interact and engage with my classmates, allowing me to easier understand and retain the information. Usually, when information is shared in my classes, it is then analyzed by our class, which forces me to critically think from new perspectives and practice collaborative learning by engaging with my class. It also allows me to continually be exposed to news about current events and more. Classes, especially Media Law & Literacy, that provide and include new information, usually also provide case studies, articles, or books that can dive deeper if I am interested. Classes at my school are always a very good way to obtain bias-free information. 



Instagram - Wikipedia

    Alongside TikTok, I receive a lot of real-time information and news updates through my Instagram app for many of the same reasons. With Instagram's visual content effects, creators on Instagram create news updates in many engaging formats from photos, infographics, or short videos, the app helps make complex topics easier to understand. Although Instagram and TikTok have similar algorithm personalization features, unless one manually filters their following to one type of perspective, Instagram is much easier to provide diverse perspectives and sources. Yet, it is still always important to check to credibility of these sources to avoid misinformation. Again, much like TikTok, real-time updates is very easy with Instagram. Instagram provides access to news and stories from all over the world, often highlighting issues and events that may not be covered by mainstream outlets like news channels. As TikTok is mostly young-ish viewers, Instagram has a wider range of people in regards to age. Making it very popular with famous credible news outlets such as BBC, The New York Times, and more. 



Google Doodles - Google's Search Logo ...

    Stating the obvious, Google is an extremely powerful platform for accessing news and information due to its versatility. Google provides stories from thousands of reputable sources, offering a wide range of perspectives and updates on current events, in one place. Google also has advanced search options - such as allowing you to filter by date, region, types of sources, etc. - which makes researching and finding general and specific news/information very easy. Google also holds all types of media content, from articles, videos, podcasts, books, images, TV shows, and more. It also provides access to international news outlets, which helps inform viewers of worldwide current events, as well as local current events. Google is also free and accessible on many different devices, making it very accessible to use at any time, in any place. Unlike TikTok and Instagram, user personalization is different with Google. Regardless of one's search history or past data, whatever is desired to research is accessible if prompted. Although Google is an excellent news source 


https://www.foxnews.com/ , www.cnn.com

Fox News - WikipediaCNN: Breaking US & World News – Apps on ...

    CNN and Fox News are both valuable sources of political information, especially when used together. Because they represent different viewpoints, approaches, and perspectives to news coverage, it is easy to avoid biases. I base many of my political views and perspectives based on the facts I have received from both platforms, I like to have a balanced perspective and challenge bias. CNN and Fox News both frame political stories differently, so by consuming both, it provides a better understanding of the issue at hand. This forces me to expose myself to contrasting views and perspectives, which then forces me to critically analyze a situation and lead with an opinion that is crafted by my own moral values, while also balancing perspectives and understanding all sides. When using these news channels together, they cover a very wide range of real-world topics. While I do use both networks, I will always be sure to consume in a non-biased and reputable source before discussing with other perspectives. 

blog post #9: autonomous vehicles

  Autonomous Vehicles Autonomous vehicles (AVs), which is just a fancy name for types of self-driving transportations, is a vehicle that can...